Stage 1 – The Initiation
Welcome to Life 2.0!
Is this training for me?
Awaken as Love accredited trainings offer maps, tools and experiences from Tantra, Shamanism, Embodiment and Integral practices to take your offerings to the next level. It has been said that a quantum leap occurs in humans when they realise and embody the most recent unfolding edge of our consciousness named “Integral Consciousness”, and that it takes just 10% off the world population to steady themselves at this level to form a critical mass that will help bring the rest with them. And that the solutions to most of the worlds problems today reveal themselves.
This training is designed to jump start your expansion into this level with the mission of helping that 10% to emerge.
So, do you feel some truth in this – is there some part of your body that says yes even if your mind doesn’t understand? If so then you are aligning to a mission of being an ambassador of planetary change – as an already existing teacher, guide or practitioner, or just one who hears the call.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein
In fact it is not the next level of consciousness but the one after that which integrates the previous ones which will facilitate real change.
What will I get from this training?
This certificated course will give you practical tools, maps and experiences to be able to embody a deeper understanding. These will include:
Tantra Techniques
How can the energy of the raw animal self be raised into higher consciousness, and how can this consciousness descend into the body and manifest world? Really this is a deep intimacy with yourself, with a partner and even throughout a group.
Embodiment practices
It’s one thing to understand with the mind, and something completely different to have a knowing that comes from a deep experiencing of wisdom through the body. Being able to manifest inate creativity into the reality is a skill.
System Reboot
We will be resetting the experiences and patterns in the nervous system of the body. These have framed your experience of this world since birth. Imagine how your life could be filled with more ease, clarity and pleasure!
Shamanic Initiations
We will be perfoming ceremonies that take you outside of the normal sequence of time and anchor in soul peices that have been waiting for this moment.
Integral Maps
As we learn these maps – the whole picture is revealed and we suddenly start to understand where peices that you were partially aware of fit inside a larger picture of reality.
Wisdom Transmission
Through transmission we will be awakening our higher centres of knowing, expanding into a new operating system and accessing novelty from the cosmos.
How can this advance me working in these areas?
There are a few ways in which this training will support you in your journey as a guide, teacher or practitioner. It is an accredited course from Awaken As Love – you will recieve a certificate on completion and you can state that you have completed this training on your personal biographies.
You will also be eligible to attend the next levels – Deepening & Radicalization to eventually become an Awaken as Love Facilitator.
In addition you will be gaining direct tools that you can then use in your own workshops and practices as well as a deeper understanding about how to work with groups – and meeting a larger international network of practitioners and teachers to create and stay in on-going connection. We routinely give opportunities to Awaken as Love graduates to be part of the festivals we create.
Some of Areas Covered in this Training Are:
- Tantric Bodywork
- Individual Partnered Tantra Meditations
- Archetypal Group Rituals
- Inner Masculine & Inner Feminine Aspects
- Character armour.
- De-armouring
- Integral Maps
- The 4 Dimensions of Reality.
- States of Consciousness
- Stages of Consciousness
- Lines of Development
- Typological Mapping
- Experience of Theory U
- Shadow & Spiritual Bypassing
- Gifts of the Wound
- Difference between Ego and Identity
- Identity & Regression.
- Group Dynamics
- Teachings of the 4 Shields
- Shamanic Medicine Walk
- Mindfullness and Heartfullness
- Satori Experiences
What is this Training?
Upcoming Events
These are the next Stage 1 trainings from Awaken as Love – click on them to open more information in a new window.
Awaken as Love Stage 1 in Bali
Dates: 18th – 25th March 2025
Set in a beautiful beachside resort with swimming pools, incredible nature and stylish accommodation.
Awaken as Love Stage 1 in Orlando
Dates: 4th – 11th April 2025
Set in a beautiful resort with breath-taking spacious pool, hot tub, lazy river, water slides, and stylish accommodation.
Awaken as Love Stage 1 in Dorset, UK
Dates: 9th-15th May 2025
Set in an impressive Manor House with incredible grounds and swimming pool – Gaunts House. Dorset.
Awaken as Love Stage 1 in Portugal
Dates: 2nd-8th June 2025
Set in a beautiful eco-resort with a swimming pool and lots of incredible nature.
Awaken as Love Stage 1 in the Netherlands
Dates: 3rd-10th August 2025
Set in the same majestic Castle estate as the festival, with huge grounds, hot tubs, beach, forest and more.
Awaken as Love Stage 1 in San Diego
Dates: 1st – 7th October 2025
Set in private villa in the North of San Diego with a large hot tub and beautiful nature around.
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© Awaken as Love 2025