What People Say
What People Say about the Awaken as Love Trainings
Why should you take these retreats? We will leave it for past participants to let you know what they got out of it and give you their reasons why you should do this.
“I cried, sweated, laughed, opened up blocks and new possibilities. Inspired is an understatement!” – Dara Guilfoyle
“Thanks for sharing the magic – it let me shed more of the bullshit that is not me” – Janneke
“I feel blessed to have met my partner here, I feel amazed how much we’ve grown together in this short time” – Vincent
“If you are ready to be ravished open to the depths of your connection to the pulsing heart, brain and genitals of existence, then this training is for you – the future is tribal” – Francoise
“I have discovered love and understoond much more about myself and relationships by being in this training.” – Mayana
“Powerful tools, inspiring Facilitators and a deep journey into self-love and transformation” – Mhaire Sinclair
“What a wonderful experience during this week! Such opportunites to grow up and to become a real lover-human, with authenticity, abundance and consciousness. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” – Benjamin
“Love this stuff – as if I’m living in a new world” – Sjoerd
“After my initation of Awaken as Love I hav emore understanding of myself, my triggers and patterns and now I can transform all of these with more love and compassion” – Pien
“The most emboddied training I have ever experienced” – Tristan
“This training speaks to the heart and mind at the same time – really useful exercises and content to consciously evolve!” – Monique Darling
“Thank you for the combination of Shamanism and Tantra in such an integrated way – the shamanism adds a much needed rooting and foundation to Tantra which I have not found in other Tantra Trainings” – Jon Skelton
“Gentleness, juiciness, softness, playfulness and liberation are words that come to me. I am in a state of gratitude – I highly recommend this week” – Afke Reyenga
“Friends! I love your training and what it stands for.” – Violeta
“A really powerful course on soverignty, this has helped me more than any other training I have attended. A safe loving space to allow yourself to dissolve and Awaken as Love” – Andrew Clish
“In a current state of utter contentment, I tasted, smelt, felt, touched the beautiful of the whole experience of life through this being. Saw that I was consciousness and infinite space and came back to this life brighter than ever and sparkling with contentment” – Kirsty
“This is a highly skilled transmission that brings tools both for holding space and personal growth” – David
“A truly transformative experience. My heart has expanded to hold more love and I have learned effective shamanic practices that can easily be shared with others. I am filled with gratitude and love and would do it all over again!” – Amie
“I fell in love with myself again. Connetion with brothers and sisters has showed me a reflection. I am so willing to expand in love to do things I have never done before. Explore other parts of myself that are so beautiful and ready to arrive. Thank you” – Mieke
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