







Nataraj – the International Dance festival in Delhi, India 29th Dec – 3rd Jan

We are really excited to bring this International Dance festival to Delhi and India. This 5 day event will feature some of the best dance teachers in the fields of spiritual dance plus individual workshops and special choreography classes in more classical and modern dance styles of with the option to bring these to our final evening Talent Show.


View Full Schedule Here

Evenings will include special dance performances and also the Nataraj Lounge with musicians playing live. What’s more we will be bringing in the new year in style in this beautifully landscaped oasis with a special party and sacred cacao ceremony to set our intentions for 2018 and to really celebrate each other. The following day we will be offering Shamanic Sweat Lodge ceremonies to start a purifucation into the New Year. Jump into the culture and join us with the Lord of the Dance – Nataraj!

Finally if you are a professional Dancer yourself then you are invited to join us in our scholarship program – we have opportunities for both International and Indian students. Click here to download the scholarship program.

Workshops Include

Contact Improvisation * Biodanza * 5 Rhythms * Shamanic Dance * Creative Movement Therapy * Contemporary * Bollywood * Belly Dance * Ecstatic Breath Dance * Tango * Shamanic Sweat Lodge * Cosmos in Motion * Tantric Movement Alchemy

Choosing what to believe

Are you aware that patterns of hurt are perpetuated long after they are relevant:

We do this through thoughts and phrases which we repeat internally or externally, essentially little mantra’s which we tell ourselves about the world

“its always like this” … “I am not loved” … “I’m alone in this world”  “I am…” “he/she is…”

It is necessary to reinforce and maintain these beliefs in order for the pattern to survive and this is done by repetition.

Most often some real traumatic event could have started this pattern but it will then run regardless of how true it is if left unchecked.

These patterns also reinforce themselves through self fulfilling prophecies – creating and attracting situations and people who will then then prove the pattern to be “true” – it’s understandable as the pattern has a survival mechanism of its own considers itself to be true – it is looking out for you as best it knows how…

A way to see and change these patterns is to be mindful of your thoughts, notice words and phrases you repeat most often to yourself and others in your speach. How do they make you feel in your body? Quite often these phrases have become condensed so when spoken they come out all together as one tight bunch. They might have become so condensed and tight that they start to have a weight and physical reality (in neural networks atleast 😉 ).

We can free up these tight concepts, however, unpicking and opening up the pattern to find spaciousness itself. The tool to do this is awareness:

“Start to catch yourself as you repeat them, notice them more and more often as they arise and without needing to fight or repress them (they are not the enemy), just thank them for doing what they thought to be best for you and relax. Allow them to sink back into your heart and take a deep breath which will open and give space to these tight ideas. Have the courage to really feel the hurt and emotions that underly the pattern (actually it is this pain they were protecting us from) – cry, scream, shout if the energy comes to do so, but don’t throw out this pain (there are gems there in it for you), bring it right into your heart and feel it, love it as you would a hurt child. If you notice yourself getting distracted away from the feeling by the ideas around it then repeat breathing it into your heart and allowing the underlying feeling.

As we continue to breath and the pattens relax and open, inspiration and novelty begins to enter – suddenly other possibilities and outcomes we had never even dreamed of become visible and clear, a lightness and joy starts to fill our being as we see life as a wonderful mystery again – not some heavy inevitabe noose that has been placed around our necks. Breathe this energy down into your body to your belly and genitals – there might be something for you to do, some real situations that need changing. We are not spiritually bypassing here with positive affirmations that merely placate us on the surface whilst deep down we remain in turmoil. We are feeling our hurts and reclaiming our energy from these patterns in order to live more and more deeply from our most juicy desires (lets call this listening to god..). Allow yourself to feel excited by life.

We have a choice in each and every moment to be aware and to choose what kind of thoughts we want to believe – it takes us out of the position of simply being victims of this world, and turns us into Gods and Goddesses alive and present in the mystery.

Empower yourself with choice 🙂

Quick Relationship Discharge

This is a simple practice you can do with your partner to help remove emotional stagnation which can blocks intimacy. Give it a shot and be amazed at the results!

1.  Sit opposite your partner and take turns 5 min each to completely pour out all the things that are bugging you, don’t hold back or censor it in any way to protect the feelings of the other. The other person simply sits and listens to it all without judgement.

2.  Then you change around and the other person lets out all their pent up emotions. Both do this until the charge is dissipated.

One of 2 things happen in this as you are saying all these things then sometimes you realise how ridiculous these judgements on your partner were, or that they are actually about a previous partner or your mother/father etc…

Or something actually sticks, you hear your partner put out a judgement and realise that is kind of true, I knew I did that but didn’t realise other people could see it – and you fess up to yourself.

Most important thing is while being the listening partner is not to try to respond or argue or interrupt the other, if what they are say is just projection it is OK, you don’t need to justify yourself to the other.

3.  In the next part of the structure you then take turns to say all the things you love and appreciate about each other, all the little details, now it simply pours out as you have cleared the space for it to flow.


Discover Tantra

Tantra is about creating a connection to yourself, a deep intimacy with the different aspects of your being and how these relate to the world. When this is experienced you can share it with others.

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Polarity is good

The interplay between the masculine and feminine is actually a good thing and gives the passion to life. By skilfully playing out these poles we can energise our practise with enough juice to transcend duality (our own limited point of view). If the polarity is neutralised then its like living with a dead battery. This is relevant as there are many spiritual systems which have actually encouraged us to dampen down our natural polarity, instincts and desires in order to find peace. It is very peaceful being a corpse! These polarities are sometimes represented by Deity’s such as and Shiva and the Shakti.

Tantra is inclusive

It uses all at it’s disposal in order for us to deepen into our nature. The key word is acceptance, in accepting yourself, your desires and your quirks there is an opportunity to deepen. Unlike other systems which attempt to shape you through control and effort, Tantra allows you to indulge your desires but with awareness so they deepen beyond surface wants and needs towards the ultimate desire for love and awareness.


No Effort?

Not necessarily, some of the techniques can be quite physical, or involve facing fears and becoming more present. It’s not always easy, but they all point toward you as your natural self, there is a stripping away of false shells of being we have surrounded ourselves with rather than needing to add something to become “enlightened”. Sometimes this can leave us a little shaky accustomed to the comfort of our beliefs, ultimately it leads to a deeply satisfying, absorbed and rested in the glory of it all

But let’s face it, it’s really all about sex isn’t it? – Because of the social repression of sex in most culture, the popular view of tantra is it all about sex e.g “I heard sting did it, and it lasted 8 hours…”.

The act of lovemaking in all its facets (quiet breathing and passionate ravishing of the other) is included in tantra but it is certainly not limited to that. In the classic text the Vigayn Birav Tantra there are 112 methods for awakening, and only 6 of these are directly related to the sexual act.

However, life is deeply sexual, the whole energy of life can be seen as sexual energy, of creativity, as the interplay of consciouness and love, masculine and feminine energies. When we expand the limited concepts of sexuality to include all of the interplay of life then we can state that tantra is about awakening through sexuality.

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